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Effective relief for a blocked nose that lasts for up to 12 hours2!


It happens to us all: a blocked nose. This can keep you from enjoying your life. Although there are times when you simply cannot avoid a blocked nose, you can make it easier to cope with the help of a nasal decongestant product.

Up to 12 hours of free breathing2

To provide long-lasting relief from a blocked nose, try iliadin®Metered Nose Spray.

Why choose iliadin to provide relief from nasal congestion?

The right nasal spray for the whole family

iliadin®’s product range not only caters to adults – it also offers relief from a blocked nose and free breathing for children and babies.

The active ingredient, Oxymetazoline, is suitable for use in both adults and children.

Don’t let a blocked nose get you or your loved ones down – fight back. A decongestant nasal product is a start. Ask your pharmacist for the iliadin® product that is best suited to your family.

1 In a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, iliadin® Metered Nose Spray (0,05 % m/v) demonstrated a statistically significant reducing of the duration of acute rhinitis by 2 days as compared to physiological saline solution and a mean onset of action after 25 seconds. Reinecke S, Tschaikin M. MMW - Fortschr Med. 2005;147(3):113-118.

2 Martindale. Thirty-eighth edition. The complete drug reference. Oxymetazoline Hydrochloride. Editor: Thomson Reuters.

* iliadin® Metered Nose Spray (0,05 % Oxymetazoline). Indicated for adults and children aged six years and older. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about the iliadin® product that is best suited for your family.


As an antioxidant, Zinc has been shown to boost your immune system. Traces of it are found in red meat and seafood. There are also special lozenges that can lower suffering caused by cold symptoms.

Source: WebMD



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